Opening Hours, Address & Map Location museum
Opening Hours:
The Museum is open every day from 9.00 AM untill 18.00 PM
The museum is free of charge because we want to give everybody the oppurtunity to see the exhibition but a donation, to maintain the museum, is most welcome.
Tsunami Photo Museum, Templeroad, Telwatta, Sri Lanka
Museum website:
Museum Sri Lanka: Mrs. Kamani de Silva / 00 94 (0)77 - 945 4490
Holland : Mrs. Jacky van Oostveen / 00 31 (0)6 - 302 665 20 /

The museum is situated on Telwatta junction on Galle Road between Ambalangoda and Hikkaduwa. About 2 hrs drive south of Colombo and about 20 minutes drive north of Galle.
The Museum is open every day from 9.00 AM untill 18.00 PM
The museum is free of charge because we want to give everybody the oppurtunity to see the exhibition but a donation, to maintain the museum, is most welcome.
Tsunami Photo Museum, Templeroad, Telwatta, Sri Lanka
Museum website:
Museum Sri Lanka: Mrs. Kamani de Silva / 00 94 (0)77 - 945 4490
Holland : Mrs. Jacky van Oostveen / 00 31 (0)6 - 302 665 20 /

The museum is situated on Telwatta junction on Galle Road between Ambalangoda and Hikkaduwa. About 2 hrs drive south of Colombo and about 20 minutes drive north of Galle.
our location TELWATTA JUNCTION Galle road A2 (Colombo - Galle), Telwatte junction,
pansala pare (temple road)
our location TELWATTA JUNCTION Galle road A2 (Colombo - Galle), Telwatte junction,
pansala pare (temple road)
NOTE: Our museum is open since 2007.
Since 2014 there have opened several other tsunami museums within 700 meters.
NOTE: That our museum is on the junction (Telwatta) to Thotagamuwa Rajamaha Vihara where in the sign A2 - 94 km is situated.
Also take notice that some of the other museums charge a ticket fee or ask for a donation.
NOTE: Most of the photo's you see on internet are from our museum but people say it's from one of the other museums because you are not alowed to take the photographs in the other museums.
Our museum is free of charge. We have a donation box if you wish to donate something. The money is used for maintenance and charity.
Mrs. Kamani de Silva is running the museum and will welcome you there.

Reactions of the visitors

The museum visitors come from allover Sri Lanka and from all over the world. Here are some of their comments.........
" You mesium is very best and this mesium give to us. Good adias and best this mesium for our taken knowledge."
" Excellent Work, keep going "
" Your pictures help other visitors to touch reality of that day. Very humbling. Thank you. "
" We appreciate your work! "
" Your work is of great help to the world so that more love and generosity will grow. "
" The sorrow of the people and the victim, Tsunami can be seen through this museum. Please develop this further. "
" All the best - foreigner - good idea "
" Good work. Thanks for all Sri Lankans - on behalf of "
" Your museum is the best. You have done very well. I wish you good luck. "
" Keep up your good work. Thanking you. "
" All the best. May your idea get success. "
" Good job and we really appreciate u."
" It is great that this kind pictorial detection of events, so that the next generation will not be affected. "
" These images remind us the work is not done "
" Exceptional exhibition, thank you for assembling this."
" Actually this is a good work, but if you got information in under the pic, I think that is best "
" Thank you for establishing your museum "
" Very good work - time will heal xxx"
" A really important establishment both as a document of the Tsunami and a memorial to those who lost their lives. "
" Heart rending commitment "
" Your mesium is very best "
" The photos show to us, just what happened - it's hard to imagine. Good Luck. "
" The never seen of photo Sri Lanka "
" An extremely commendable task. Future generations would know what Tsunami did. "
" Ich habe alle fast noch einmal erlebt "
" I am on bicycle trip + stopped very spontanly. I saw the photos + dind't thought, how many places were damaged horribly. So it is good idea to see in rest all these photos + think about! Good luck! Jens "
" Excellent Work, keep going "
" Your pictures help other visitors to touch reality of that day. Very humbling. Thank you. "
" We appreciate your work! "
" Your work is of great help to the world so that more love and generosity will grow. "
" The sorrow of the people and the victim, Tsunami can be seen through this museum. Please develop this further. "
" All the best - foreigner - good idea "
" Good work. Thanks for all Sri Lankans - on behalf of "
" Your museum is the best. You have done very well. I wish you good luck. "
" Keep up your good work. Thanking you. "
" All the best. May your idea get success. "
" Good job and we really appreciate u."
" It is great that this kind pictorial detection of events, so that the next generation will not be affected. "
" These images remind us the work is not done "
" Exceptional exhibition, thank you for assembling this."
" Actually this is a good work, but if you got information in under the pic, I think that is best "
" Thank you for establishing your museum "
" Very good work - time will heal xxx"
" A really important establishment both as a document of the Tsunami and a memorial to those who lost their lives. "
" Heart rending commitment "
" Your mesium is very best "
" The photos show to us, just what happened - it's hard to imagine. Good Luck. "
" The never seen of photo Sri Lanka "
" An extremely commendable task. Future generations would know what Tsunami did. "
" Ich habe alle fast noch einmal erlebt "
" I am on bicycle trip + stopped very spontanly. I saw the photos + dind't thought, how many places were damaged horribly. So it is good idea to see in rest all these photos + think about! Good luck! Jens "

Museum News
26 December 2014
10 year memorial and remembrance
November 2014
Filming ZDF, German national television program at the museum
November / December 2014
Visit by photographer Sam Pickett for making his documentary
Request: Anybody who is in Sri Lanka around the memorial time
May 2014
A girl was traced who's photo was in the tsunami suitcase. After losing the photo during the Tsunami. first father could take a look and confirmed it was his daughter and later also the girl came. This was worth seeing and worth keeping the suitcase for
TSUNAMI SUITCASE returns to Sri Lanka after a 9 years trip to Holland.
I took it back to Holland, after cleaning in de tsunami affected villages, to keep save and keep it for the future. The suitcase was shown in some exhibitions. I was happy to finally bring it back to the tsunami photo museum Telwatta in Sri Lanka.
PS Jacky Chan was my temporary name that time
Art work 2005 with Tsunami suitcase

***************Donations **************
17th of January 2009 - From a fundraising activity we managed to collect € 1.300,= euro for the Tsunami Photo Museum in Sri Lanka.

We organised a model drawing/painting evening for 40 proffessional and amature artists. It was a very inspireing evening with 3 live musicians, 14 models and 5 art teachers, all these people donated their time for free. It was a great succes and onthe wish of the public we are going to organise it every year now.
26th of November 2008 - From the donations of an exhibiton in Hilversum The Netherlands, we recieved € 50,= , thanks to all who donated :-)
*************** Museum Colaboration *******************
10th of November 2008 - We are glad to announce that since the 7th of November 2008 we have agreed to start a partnership/collaboration with the "Watersnood Museum" in the province Zeeland in the Netherlands.

This museum commemorates and remembers the "Watersnood" (the flood disaster) of February the 1st in 1953. It was set up by a group of volunteers that experienced the flood themselves. Main aim of the museum is commemoration and remembrance. Besides this they want to share the stories of the past with the next generations.
The museum tries to portray the circumstances of the flood which occurred on February the 1st in the year 1953. Also we experience how people build up their lives from scratch and how aidworkers from all over the world came to help. The museum is situated in one of the four Phoenix-caissons that were used to close the last breach in the dike at Ouwerkerk. The closure took place on 6 November 1953.
The museum acquired the status of a provisional registered museum on 11 October 2005. The museum's donors are known as "Friends of the Watersnoodmuseum". They provide considerable assistance and support. The museum has been able to remain open thanks to the efforts of numerous volunteers.
In our joined forces we like to exchange our experiences and expand our relations. Although their disaster was 55 years ago there are a huge amount of simalarities, and we can learn a lot from their skills. Also we want to exchange museum items for temporary exhibitions to show the other part of the world what happend.
Their website is:

*********** Next work period Sri Lanka ***************

1st of November 2008- In the beginning of next year in the months February and March I will be going back to Sri Lanka again to continue the work on the exibition in the museum. At the moment I have started with the preparations: finishing this website and organising fundraising activities. Although the museum is open there is still lots to do !!
- The museum needs a toilet for the visitors, as most of them have been travelling for some time whilst they get there. We also need to have water so people can wash their hands and fresh up.
- Due to the starting budget of the museum, we started with very little budget to build the museum. That's why half of the museum is built permanent, but the other half of the museum is built temporary. We need to take down the temporary parts and build is permanent so it will keep for the longer term. At the moment we are still buying plastic to cover the walls on the outside to protect the photo material from the water coming inside the museum, which happens frequently. Also the temporary parts are to dark because of the plastic. When we build permanent we can add windows which make the space more light so people can see the pictures better.
- The signboard on the road didn't make it through the last rain season, so it had to be replaced by a new one.
- Because of the climate and the sea that is so close, some museum items have to be replaced already after one year.
- All the time we are collecting new material for the museum. This material has to be printed and laminated to develop the exhibition.
- We want to collect more stories from the people which we want to exhibit in the museum as well.
- We need to work on the publicity for the museum so more people will find their way to see it.
- The museum has a lot of photos, but we would like to add more texts to inform the visitors better about what has happened.
10 year memorial and remembrance
November 2014
Filming ZDF, German national television program at the museum
November / December 2014
Visit by photographer Sam Pickett for making his documentary
Request: Anybody who is in Sri Lanka around the memorial time
May 2014
A girl was traced who's photo was in the tsunami suitcase. After losing the photo during the Tsunami. first father could take a look and confirmed it was his daughter and later also the girl came. This was worth seeing and worth keeping the suitcase for
TSUNAMI SUITCASE returns to Sri Lanka after a 9 years trip to Holland.
I took it back to Holland, after cleaning in de tsunami affected villages, to keep save and keep it for the future. The suitcase was shown in some exhibitions. I was happy to finally bring it back to the tsunami photo museum Telwatta in Sri Lanka.
PS Jacky Chan was my temporary name that time
Art work 2005 with Tsunami suitcase

***************Donations **************
17th of January 2009 - From a fundraising activity we managed to collect € 1.300,= euro for the Tsunami Photo Museum in Sri Lanka.
We organised a model drawing/painting evening for 40 proffessional and amature artists. It was a very inspireing evening with 3 live musicians, 14 models and 5 art teachers, all these people donated their time for free. It was a great succes and onthe wish of the public we are going to organise it every year now.
26th of November 2008 - From the donations of an exhibiton in Hilversum The Netherlands, we recieved € 50,= , thanks to all who donated :-)
*************** Museum Colaboration *******************
10th of November 2008 - We are glad to announce that since the 7th of November 2008 we have agreed to start a partnership/collaboration with the "Watersnood Museum" in the province Zeeland in the Netherlands.
This museum commemorates and remembers the "Watersnood" (the flood disaster) of February the 1st in 1953. It was set up by a group of volunteers that experienced the flood themselves. Main aim of the museum is commemoration and remembrance. Besides this they want to share the stories of the past with the next generations.
The museum tries to portray the circumstances of the flood which occurred on February the 1st in the year 1953. Also we experience how people build up their lives from scratch and how aidworkers from all over the world came to help. The museum is situated in one of the four Phoenix-caissons that were used to close the last breach in the dike at Ouwerkerk. The closure took place on 6 November 1953.
The museum acquired the status of a provisional registered museum on 11 October 2005. The museum's donors are known as "Friends of the Watersnoodmuseum". They provide considerable assistance and support. The museum has been able to remain open thanks to the efforts of numerous volunteers.
In our joined forces we like to exchange our experiences and expand our relations. Although their disaster was 55 years ago there are a huge amount of simalarities, and we can learn a lot from their skills. Also we want to exchange museum items for temporary exhibitions to show the other part of the world what happend.
Their website is:

*********** Next work period Sri Lanka ***************

1st of November 2008- In the beginning of next year in the months February and March I will be going back to Sri Lanka again to continue the work on the exibition in the museum. At the moment I have started with the preparations: finishing this website and organising fundraising activities. Although the museum is open there is still lots to do !!
- The museum needs a toilet for the visitors, as most of them have been travelling for some time whilst they get there. We also need to have water so people can wash their hands and fresh up.
- Due to the starting budget of the museum, we started with very little budget to build the museum. That's why half of the museum is built permanent, but the other half of the museum is built temporary. We need to take down the temporary parts and build is permanent so it will keep for the longer term. At the moment we are still buying plastic to cover the walls on the outside to protect the photo material from the water coming inside the museum, which happens frequently. Also the temporary parts are to dark because of the plastic. When we build permanent we can add windows which make the space more light so people can see the pictures better.
- The signboard on the road didn't make it through the last rain season, so it had to be replaced by a new one.
- Because of the climate and the sea that is so close, some museum items have to be replaced already after one year.
- All the time we are collecting new material for the museum. This material has to be printed and laminated to develop the exhibition.
- We want to collect more stories from the people which we want to exhibit in the museum as well.
- We need to work on the publicity for the museum so more people will find their way to see it.
- The museum has a lot of photos, but we would like to add more texts to inform the visitors better about what has happened.
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